wait for it
So for a good part of my life I worked at a club in a big town in the pacific northwest and I had a feeling that at time the owners’ where so high on cocaine that the could not comprehend daily management of the place i seen people come and go and even sat and listen to them bad talk promoters and be super nice to there face. I guess it was part of the job knowing that this person does the same job as you but for some reason. Me I just work there id tell people I had no authority to change what was going on or the way the place was ran you think that they treat there employees a little better … I notice is if you have something they wanted or could use to there advantage you got treated better but as soon as that went away you where back to garbage it was quite embarrassing trying to explain to people. Where everyone is when there should have been a packed show well let me tell you why cause the owners are cheap to cheap to pay some on to flyer all over town. I know cause I had to take a second job and work for that guy now that a whole another story. The worst thing is when I would be hired to do a load and that basically consist of me and another guy moving a bands equipment into the club and helping load most of it on stage and at the end of the night we help tear some stuff down and pack it away. Well at the end of most nights my other loader disappeared or became a janitor … and I do the load by myself all pissed off no one cared cause no matter how much I complained we all knew it was not going to change. So there where a large amounts of peoples cars being broken into and a lot of stuff had been stolen and you think the guy would hire an extra guy to watch the parking lot all night. Some times but if the show was not making money that guy go home early. Or some night there only be 2 security on and that be one at the door and the other at the entrance to the bar so if anything where to go down there only be 2 people and the bar would be left open for anyone to walk in and the door wide open and unsecure … at times now most of the employee’s took pride in working for the club other than the occasional have to apologize for the way things where. But they like to break the rules like this space was there own little country where they where free to do what they want like not pay taxes… now most the employee where working under the table me since 2005 for the e people and now they want me to fill out a 1099 odd right well they had alternative plans in order for them to make it look good they where going to make me a bad person you see they wanted to fill out back 1099 on me for previous years for there audit so they get more money taken off well I don’t like to be screwed over by the people I worked hard for years so I said no and they fired me .. Was I going to take a bite out of their shit sandwich nope? Some times he pay security to make sure the building was locked up so he could party all night with touring bands or just for the hell of it. For a person who claims not to have any money and that there so poor that they cant pay the gas bill at the club so we freeze halfway thru winter it was always fun lying to patrons about that as they complained about how freezing it is. I guess the money was spent on there trips to the casino it was only going to be 3 days end up 7 -10 days. And when they come back they crack down on people and how they cant afford it well maybe if you did not go to the casino for 2 weeks straight you have some money to pay the gas and the beer guys. I remember one time on delivery day the guy came in and asked. You got some money for me I aren’t bring the beer up unless there some money for me my boss told me cash or a cashiers check
Wow now that was a fucked up situation .
Well it was a long night after dropping my buddy of at the airport I continued on back home to the local drama bar after a few rounds of jager bombs I found my self cut off what fuck this shit ill go next door they will still serve me I stated as I staggered out the door and into the next bar they had karaoke going and some of the most horrible people thinking they can sing Bartender jager bomb I stated she put up a shot glass and a pounder I pick up the shot glass and ask do I look like a jock I want the shit dirty pour it straight up you get more booze that way usually and this time I was correct . So the night goes on I am sure I have pissed a lot of people off an have a lot of apologizing to do in my future for my antics I awake facing my buddy D.W not as pretty site really … so I sit up still drunk trying to figure out how I got where I was and where did my wallet go. Well I guess I forgot my wallet at home so that was even better so I gather my self and continue on home. I can feel my hangover sitting in. I better get some comfort food in me now most people have different type of comfort food it food that make s you feel better me I have several grilled cheese with tomato soup, just recently pho noodle soup is added to my comfort food but nothing can top a good corndog so I grab 3 corndogs out the box and place them on a plate in them microwave 2 minute 20 seconds I set the timer for and hit start well not even a minute later there a big fucking boom and I see the door to the microwave fly across the room and smack the heater thermostat and dropping Christ almighty I nearly pissed myself so I get up and look and the first thing I do is check to see if the corndogs where close to being done … my fucking luck they where not . with one even frozen in the middle … mother fucker I thought as I pick up the parts to the microwave.